How Kelley Higney Went All-In And Scored A Deal On Shark Tank

One of the hardest questions for entrepreneurs is knowing when to go all in. How do you know you are ready to go headfirst into the business?

For Kelley Higney, founder and CEO of Bug Bite Thing, the realization came when she had customers...

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10 Million Dollars In 4 Years - How Samia Gore Disrupted The Supplement Industry

Samia Gore is the founder and CEO of the wellness and supplement company, BODY Complete Rx. The company was founded out of solving her own problem. She is a mom of four and she was on a journey to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight and to feel...

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How To Build A $30 Million E-Commerce Business In 6 Years

Our guest today is Jeremy Parker, the co-founder and CEO of, the fastest growing promotional product company. Jeremy actually started as a documentary filmmaker in college and he won the Vail Film Festival at the age of 18. But after...

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